talking images


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Talking Images Productions, founded by Alejandro Tubal Garcia, is a forward-thinking consulting and production company with a focus on environmental and social development. Partnering with a globally diverse team, we provide impactful consultancy and communication services for NGOs, international aid organizations, and development agencies worldwide.

At Talking Images, we blend our global production expertise with a passion for science-driven storytelling. Our collaborative approach brings together professionals from various countries and disciplines, enabling us to create content that engages and connects with diverse audiences.

Leveraging our extensive cultural knowledge and industry experience, we deliver tailored, high-quality communication products designed to inspire action and leave a lasting impact. Our goal is to ensure that every project we undertake effectively reaches its audience and sparks meaningful change.


Consultancy Portfolio: Success Stories and Case Studies of Completed Projects

The Tarango Ravine – An Urban Wilderness in Peril, Mexico City

Exploring ways to protect vulnerable communities through environmental conservation. Final module, Master of Arts, Middlesex University, London.

Chronicles of Tarango – How to rewild the city’s last wild ravine (TEASER) – MEXICO

Tarango is one of the last untouched wild ravines in Mexico City, a region of immense environmental importance for both the city and its residents. Today, it faces a critical battle for survival.

Fortalecimiento de la Identificación Humana – MEXICO

GIZ Short Social Consultancy on Strategic Communication – Strengthening the Rule of Law in Mexico (EDF) Programme and its contribution to human identification efforts. Produced by GIZ FED

In the Land of the Ingarikó – Documentary film (28 MINUTES) – BRAZIL

This initiative was one of the first inter-ministerial efforts to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation in the Serra do Sol – Monte Roraima National Park and the Ingariko community, while promoting long-term success through sustainable ecological and commercial activities, such as nature tourism. The objective was to support the local community and safeguard the remaining endemic flora and fauna of this unique Amazonian mountain region. This two-year consultancy was conducted for ICMBio – Brazil (financed by KfW).

German-Mexican Energy Partnership – MEXICO

Five years into its implementation, the German-Mexican Energy Partnership (EP) has firmly established itself as a key platform for dialogue and exchange on critical issues within the energy sector. The partnership fosters inclusive discussions among decision-makers from the public and private sectors, as well as civil society, promoting collaboration and shared solutions. This consultancy focuses on enhancing impact communication to ensure that the voices of all stakeholders are heard and that the partnership’s benefits reach society at large.

Expedition to Serra do Sol – Monte Roraima National Park (TEASER) – BRAZIL

The principal objectives of the ICMBio expedition was to monitored the flora and fauna of a national park. In an effort to understand whether parks and reserves throughout Brazil are effectively conserving biodiversity a monitoring program has been established throughout the country.  This was one of the first efforts to do this kind of monitoring in an Amazonian mountain region.

ACCESS – Zayed Sustainability Prize – MALI

Integrated Solar Hybrid mini grids and Solar Home Systems transforming lives in rural Mali and West Africa.

Mali Folkecenter Nyeeta – MALI

In memorial of Ousmane Ouattara (1972 – 2020), Mali Folkecenter Nyeeta

Invitation à la Conférence sur le pouvoir communautaire, Bamako, MALI

Pre-launch video of the II World Community Power Conference: 8-10 Novembre 2018 Bamako – Mali


Community Power has the potential to boost renewable energy adoption in Africa, which has currently the lowest electrification rates and population densities in the world. The decentralised renewable resources can be matched with decentralised populations and can have a real and measurable impact on Africa’s living conditions and economic development while providing incentives allowing people to live in regions already affected by climate change.

Environmental recovery though a Waste Water Treatment Plant – EL SALVADOR

The lagoon and the river of the province of Santa Ana are highly contaminated by sewage from the town of Metapán. Several local institutions have invested resources to implement water management measures to improve the sanitary and environmental conditions and also restore the lagoon of the city of Metapán. The Wastewater Treatment Plant in Metapán (PTAR) was at the film production time in the construction phase.

McEarth – ein Selbstbedienungsladen? Greenpeace – GERMANY

Ein Wandelkonzert mit Musik, Theater und Tanz zum Welterschöpfungstag, Donnerstag 16. Mai 2019, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland.

100 Jahre Freunde und Förderer der Goethe Universität – GERMANY

Im Jahr 2018 feiert die Freunde und Förderer der Goethe Universität feiern 100-jähriges Jubiläum und haben am 16. November die Auftaktveranstaltung zur ihrem Jubiläumsjahr. Auf der Veranstaltung sollte einen kleinen „Image-Film“ gezeigt werden, der durch inspirierende Videogrüße der vielen Unterstützer der Vereinigung zeigt.

TROPICA VERDE – Supporting Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection Activities – COSTA RICA

TROPICA VERDE e.V.  was founded in the year 1989 by a group of biologists in Frankfurt as a non-profit association in order to support actions against the destruction of tropical rainforest.

For more information see:

Lesedi la Batho – South Africa

This film had been made to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Lesedi la Batho and it was presented at the 5th year celebration, which took place in October 2016 at the University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Lesedi la Batho is a Christian faith based NGO that seeks to inspire, empower, motivate, engage and equip the youth and the community at large through sport, education, skills training and social enterprise development, community wellness and arts & culture.

KORREKTUREN: Kunst für den öffentlichen Raum – GERMANY

In den vergangenen Monaten wurden populistische Positionen zunehmend in der Öffentlichkeit platziert. Die oft anonymen Sphären der sozialen Netzwerke, aber auch Talkshows und zum Teil der öffentliche Raum werden für Äußerungen genutzt, die offen rassistische, homosexuellenfeindliche, antisemitische, muslimfeindliche, antiziganistische und sexistische Haltungen transportieren.

Die Partnerschaft für Demokratie Frankfurt am Main fördert lokale Projekte, die zum Ziel haben, antidemokratischen Tendenzen sowie Rechtsextremismus, Antisemitismus, Antisemitismus oder anderen Formen gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeit präventiv zu begegnen.

Earth Hour 2019 – Plastic recovery action – WWF Jugend

WWF Jugend Hessen @ Earth Hour 2019. For more information see:


Passages is a game simulation and education tool developed by UNCHR to create a better understanding of the problems of refugees.

This simulation was organised by the American International School Johannesburg, South Africa as part of the 2016 Classroom Without Walls Service Learning programme.

Service Learning at Afrika Tikkun – SOUTH AFRICA

This Video is about the Service Learning Programme of the American International School in Johannesburg. In this case the students learn by servicing their skills in 4 different activities run by AFRIKA TIKKUN, a South African NGO in Diepsloot, one of the poorest townships in Gauteng.

For more information on AFRIKA TIKKUN watch under:

Refugee Center, Messstetten – GERMANY

While the refugees wait for their first documentation and clarification of their status, the German Red Cross  volunteers together with the local population support many different activities. Here is just a small sneak preview of the refugees and culture they bring with.

Kathrin Anders – Bundestagskandidatur 2017 – German Green Party – GERMANY

Kathrin Anders hat mit einem Stimmenanteil von 13,5% in ihrer Heimatstadt sehr grosser Zuspruch erfahren.

Meetse-A-Bophelo School, Mamelodi township, AISJ – Service Learning Program, South Africa

Parents and friends from the AISJ Pretoria go every two weeks to Meetse-A-Bophelo Primary School in Mamelodi East to read and interact with the learners in English.

Raise the Children International – US/South Africa

Contribution to Raise the Children International (United States of America/South Africa), with the aim of support the recruitment of new Teacher-Fellows for the school year 2017 in South Africa. For more information see:


The Team

Luciano N. Naka

Natural History Film-maker & consultant

Luciano N. Naka is an ornithologist, passionate traveller and naturalist. He is a full-time Professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil. He conducts field research on birds in different neotropical biomes and often engages in long exploring expeditions to remote places in search of poorly known birds. He holds a PhD in Biological Sciences and has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles on birds’ natural history and evolution.

The paths of Luciano and Alejandro T. Garcia crossed when they were small kids in Argentina. Together, they discovered the natural wonders of their native land, becoming passionate students of natural history and fierce defenders of environmental causes in Argentina.

They now collaborate on several filming projects that envision to highlight environmental problems in Brazil and to disseminate the results of research groups in South America:

Alejandro Garcia

Sustainable Development & Communication

Alejandro Tubal Garcia is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of experience across the private sector, government, and NGOs, specializing in sustainable development, project management, policy development, and impact communication. His expertise spans renewable energy, climate change adaptation, sustainable infrastructure, and biodiversity conservation. Alejandro has successfully led environmental and social projects for global organizations, including GIZ GmbH, ABO Energy, Greenpeace, and NABU, driving significant initiatives in countries such as Argentina, India, Mexico, Mali, and Germany. In Brazil, he contributed to environmental programs like PELD FORR and worked with institutions such as ICMBio and the Federal University of Pernambuco. In these roles, he developed communication strategies and educational materials to promote academic research and conservation in Roraima.

Alejandro holds a Master of Science in Geography from Tübingen University, Germany, and a Master of Arts in Communication from Middlesex University, London. His career is dedicated to advancing sustainable development and biodiversity conservation on a global scale.

Daniel Schunn

Music Composer

Daniel S. Schunn is a composer, arranger, pianist, and songwriter who lives in Germany. Daniel started to work with Talking Images in 2020 and was the music composer of the documentary “Together for the Amazon”. Daniel loves exchanging ideas in the creative process and aims to develop the unique voice of a motion picture.

Listen to his music on Soundcloud:


Franco Pellegrini

Songwriter and Music Producer

Franco Pellegrini is an independent songwriter, singer, and instrumentalist who composes using a combination of acoustic open guitar chords, guitar effects, and Andean instruments.

Franco’s music has been featured in several projects and TV shows, such as MTV and the Sportsman Channel. His first album, “iNVeNTáNDoTe,” is a compilation of songs written while he lived in Italy and Switzerland.

Franco joined Talking Images in 2015 and also owns an independent music company,

Amai Haukamp

Writer and Cutter

Amai Haukamp is an experienced German journalist with a long record working for Spiegel TV. Her career has largely been working as a journalist and editor for several renown broadcasting companies. In this capacity she most enjoyed sourcing topics and producing documentaries with aspects that were social and community orientated.

Her roles demanded strong communication skills and the power of persuasion and authenticity without being pushy and by taking the needs of the other into consideration i.e. when gaining interview-partners for highly sensitive TV-documentaries.  As a journalist, she thrives most during the making of documentaries, which show a development of her protagonists and initiate a process of change rather that focus on any sensationalism.

Malena García Cámara

Director of Photography Consultant

Malena is a Film Director at the “Universidad del Cine” in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is proficient in video and film post-production software, such as Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Final Cut 7, Final Cut X, Assimilate Scratch, DaVincci, Adobe After Effects, and Photoshop.

Malena is based in Argentina and Spain and collaborates with Talking Images as a pre & post-production workflow consultant.


successful projects


years of experience


happy clients


Strategy Communication and Content production

Environmental conservation, rewinding and wildlife education training

Audiovisual production (Non-fictional)

Sustainable Development and Renewable Energies

Do you like our work? Want to get in touch? Drop us a line

Phone number

India                     +91 97177 14305

Germany              +49 176 4391 0262

Brazil                    +55 81 8232-6040

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